Finding Angela Shelton

Angela Shelton began interviewing other women with her name with the goal of making a movie that inspired women to unite. What happened is heartbreaking, joyous, sad, miraculous, and a one-of-a-kind read. Finding Angela Shelton cleverly moves through the filmmaker’s life story along with the recurring dreams she had while on the road in search of women who shared her name. She discovered that 70% of the Angela Sheltons she interviewed were victims of child sexual abuse, rape and/or domestic violence. Her namesakes inspire the filmmaker to confront her own past along with her abusive father when one of the Angela Sheltons lives in the same town as the filmmaker's father who abused her and her siblings for five years. Finding Angela Shelton is read in many Women’s Studies programs around the US. The message of the book urges survivors of any kind of abuse or trauma to break the cycle of violence and find joy, no matter what they've been through.

Call to Action for Survivors:

Dear Survivor of child sexual abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, being raised by wolves, witnessing trauma, having generational family issues - you know pretty much life, I say heeeeyyy!

I love you! You’re doing a great job. I know it’s crazy out there. I have some escape routes and gems for your toolbox of life!

I am Angela Shelton, the one who wrote this book. I am a superhero, fashion model, actress, and multi-award-winning hot mom filmmaker who also used to beat myself up.

I won an Emmy as Safe Side Superchick, the kids superhero host of The Safe Side Series created by Baby Einstein's creator Julie Clark. As a child, I was also a victim of the things Safe Side is working to save kids from.

After making my documentary, Searching for Angela Shelton, I became a renowned voice for survivors and an inspiration to those working in trauma-informed care fields. It’s because I’m FUNNY! I bring the fun and funny to horrible topics with hilarious healing concepts so that we can HEAR and truly listen and let awareness seep in. My comedy show beginning in London is just that - a Comedy that is not funny.

By being radically honest about my own pain and sharing the pathway of how I learned that my purpose was far more important than my pain, I am able to help you with yours. I threw the covers off of my own shame and secrecy after hearing thousands of your stories and seeing that there are no boundaries with child abuse or what we do to ourselves because of it. So I am dedicated to you. I made a commitment with thousands of you already and here it is again:

We agree to stop beating ourselves up, and harming ourselves in actions and in thoughts because we see that it is a repeat of what was done and said to us. Duhhh, we love each other. I love you. You love me. I see you. You see me. So we quit. If you’re gonna hurt yourself, call me up to hurt myself with you - and we won’t, because we love each other. See how that works. That is why we have I Love Angela Shelton on the swag! We love each other, and we are kind and respectful to each other and ourselves. Weirrrrdddd… I know! I love you, SQUISH! (Bookmark this page to watch my TedTalk about that later -

Please re-read that commitment. Rewrite it as you see fit or put it into AI and share. The point is that we quit!

Those finding me on TikTok are not by accident. A self-abuser and self-hater discovering me means it’s time you to quit. There are many layers to self-abuse too that show up full circle so we are always inspiring each other to elevate and expand further.

Once you've read my very revealing book about my own self-hatred journey I ask that you please see the documentary Searching for Angela Shelton that started my healing journey - you can watch it for free on my YouTube Channel so no excuses.

Join my network of Rockstar Warriors and Reformers to begin and continue warrior training wherever you are in your life, from picking up the pieces to going to the next level in your work and relationships.

These are people who know me and are on the same path in some way. There was a time when I flat lined, dead, gone and as I layed there I thought what can I leave this world besides my brilliant child? If everyone who knew me knew each other, the world would be a better place. So I stared this network:

They have become friends, writing books together, are becoming credentialed coaches, getting married, starting companies, reworked their entire lives, quit their jobs, found their purposes, traveled abroad, faced fears, and in some ways altered their lives because of finding me and my work through a book, movie, retreat, support group etc.

This is our network that is far beyond me personally. I’m a filmmaker and funny foxy lady with my own dirty car to clean up. I’m in our network getting the same inspiration from you as you get from me and everyone else.

This is for those who are doing the work, dirty and all, with no boundaries of gender, politics, or religion - we are elevating and expanding our lives so that we create a better world by living it!

Welcome to the other side of abuse and pain. I know, it’s unfamiliar. Living your best life can feel daunting and impossible so we find the possible in the impossible and we keep moving forward.

See you daily on TikTok and in our network on Thursdays and the first Tuesday of every month to write our books!

I love you, squish!!

Utilize my Courses in your life and work:

Bring me to your town and let's continue the play!

Be bold and come to a Play Camps!

I have made MANY friends while Searching for and Finding Angela Shelton.

The outstanding people in my phone are what lead me to create our Reformers Network.

Below is a funny way to use my book as my friends did during the book release party at my house in Los Angeles. Randomly open a page and see where it leads you! LOL

Thank you so much for sharing the book and your own stories and catharsis. Thank you for taking the time to write a high review on Amazon too! It helps with the outreach tremendously!

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