- Angela Shelton TRIP 4/20 -
3-hour transformation workshop

- Angela Shelton Day April 29th -
We get to have the sex talk!

Award-Winning Filmmaker and Public Speaker Angela Shelton to Host the ​HOLY HOT TRUTH Summit to Kick Off Sexual Abuse Awareness Month​ April 29th for Angela Shelton Day!

​A virtual event — Angela Shelton, an Emmy-winning host, multi-award-winning filmmaker, and renowned public speaker, is excited to announce the Holy Hot Truth Summit, an innovative event at the end of Sexual Abuse Awareness Month on Angela Shelton Day, April 29th​, 2024. The summit aims to revolutionize the conversation around sexual healing and empowerment, focusing on promoting healthy, spiritually connected sex as a powerful countermeasure against sexual abuse and trauma.

With decades of experience in the trauma and recovery world, Angela Shelton has dedicated her life to educating and healing others through her work. From her groundbreaking documentary, "Searching for Angela Shelton," to her impactful presence on Oprah, Larry King, and Lifetime, Shelton has been a vocal advocate for survivors of sexual abuse, using her platform to shed light on the epidemic of child sexual abuse and the importance of real healing.

The Holy Hot Truth Summit seeks to bring together experts, survivors,​ Sacred Warriors ​and anyone looking to enhance their understanding of healthy sexuality. Angela Shelton's approach is rooted in the belief that joy and violence cannot coexist, and that by elevating our sexual energies and connections, we can help eradicate the pervasive influence of perpetrators in society.

"I refuse to let the actions of some ​perp ruin any of my joy, especially in the bedroom," says Shelton. "I've been quietly helping individuals and couples heal from their old traumas and profoundly level up their sex lives for years. It's more than a passion; it's a calling."

The summit will feature a series of interviews conducted by Shelton with leading experts in the field​ and renowned figure​s whose insights are eagerly anticipated. The event promises to be a day of enlightening discussions, practical advice, and groundbreaking revelations aimed at empowering attendees to reclaim their bedrooms and their lives.

Angela Shelton is also the author of a forthcoming book on the subject, further expanding on her mission to promote healing and purpose through healthy sexual relationships. Her work challenges societal norms and offers a fresh perspective on the power of sexual connection as a tool for healing and empowerment.

Register for the Holy Hot Truth Summit and join us in this transformative movement to elevate our lives and combat the chaos of organized perpetrator rings through the power of healthy, spiritually connected sex and Sacred Warrior Work!