“Everything I do is a Sermon” - Angela Shelton

I make sermons, My movies are sermons. Not in the typical and traditional church sense. 

Angela Shelton, the Emmy award-winning actress reveals her actions and motivations are gilded with a powerful infinite source. She believes that this powerful source is a light that guides you to wherever you want to be. 

She talks at length about the challenges she faced while producing, writing, directing, and filming her independent film - The Hammer, originally called “Heart, Baby!” She preaches her way through this film. 

Even if she considers herself a preacher, she does not identify with the whole divide between Church and Ministry. She feels that true Church can eradicate and shift all the abuse and domestic violence just by allowing a space where people openly talk about everything, including sex. 

Watch THE HAMMER everywhere online except for Netflix or Hulu. Amazon is the best for Angela, since it is connected to IMDB. Watch the film for free when you sign up for her email lists.


Angela Shelton

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