Angela Shelton Dating

The dating conversation. LOL I’m all in! I’m on every dating site that ever was and if I missed one please do tell me. I began after divorce when I was also researching and interviewing men. I was told, and I am aware, that you shouldn’t be fully yourself out there in the world since there are so many perps. Well, I’m here to tell ya that there are far more good men than bad and there are more survivors than perps so.. there are more of us than there are of them so I’m calling all good men!

Bring me to your town to speak and do a live event and let’s really talk dating, Holy Bedrooms, and how we can have more profound connections beyond addictions and work together to elevate and expand joy in people’s lives.

There are many ways to get me on stage. Here are a few:

Now back to me and dating:

This is my public out-in-the-open message to those who hit me up on all the various platforms that suck and deplete our time and energy. I am very protective of my time and what goes into my mouth and mind and it’s not on the schedule to answer each message so here ya go!

If you are my playmate then you will find this hilarious and good luck meeting my sister and Uncle Toby.

  1. Are you single? Yes for the most part. What’s the definition of that?

  2. Are you on the dating sites? I got kicked off of Tinder 4 times for “Not being real” hahaha they thought I was using Angela Shelton and I was a bot. Dammit, I am REAL. The real deal is more like it. I have a profile on many sites with a general overall message of who I am and what I am available for. I was on Seeking and Secret Benefits to see what the fuss was all about but I deleted those sites. Gross.

  3. Do you want to get married? Sorry, I just puked on myself. I’ve done that a few times. Never say never but marriage is not what I sit around dreaming about. Let’s say playmate.

  4. What’s your big goal? A country life with travel. A badass vehicle to hit the road and off-road to hammock camp and do my show around the world and have a homestead home base with a view of the mountains and a barn house or equivalent with land, safety supplies, baby goats, and maybe a cow. To wake up with a tattooed sleeve around me would be amazing. You build the fire, I’ll cook the meat and we can get back in bed.

  5. What’s your enneagram number? I’m a 7 with a wing 8 - look it up and don’t tell me what to do.

    The Adventurer (the Seven)

    Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.

    How to Get Along with Me

    • Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.

    • Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.

    • Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.

    • Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.

    • Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.

    • Don't tell me what to do.

    What I Like About Being a Seven - all true

    • being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down

    • being spontaneous and free-spirited

    • being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.

    • being generous and trying to make the world a better place

    • having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures

    • having such varied interests and abilities

    What's Hard About Being a Seven

    • not having enough time to do all the things I want (why I can’t stand lame men blowing up my phone)

    • not completing things I start (no shit, help me with my massive task list)

    • not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career (bahahahhahah)

    • having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies (climbing trees)

    • feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship (a playmate is different, they understand this and are the same and make it super fun)

    Sevens as Children Often

    • are action oriented and adventuresome

    • drum up excitement DRUMMMMMSS - I got live on TikTok and bang my drums.

    • prefer being with other children to being alone

    • finesse their way around adults bahahahah

    • dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up

    Sevens as Parents

    • are often enthusiastic and generous - I’m a hot FUN mom!

    • want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life Yesss my kid is lucky!

    • may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive - get off devices!

  6. What’s your sign? Double Sagittarius with Cancer rising and a lot of Scorpio which means that I am crazy wild at home and great in bed.

  7. What’s your number? 27/9 read it in The LIfe Your Were Born to Live by Dan Milliman who I have met and has seen my documentary, he’s awesome. Read that book. What’s yours? That’s a great book to use to hire or date people.

  8. Are you seeing someone? I will say I’m spoiled. I met my favorite holy bedroom partner ever who is half my age and if I can’t have it that good I’m not really interested.

  9. What are you looking for? Nothing, I’m busy.

  10. What do you want? To dance like a loon and tell stories. A playmate is fun. I like one who is a King, Knight, Prince, and Good Boy all in one who is fun as hell and beyond heaven.

  11. Are you gay? What about women? It has happened. Read my book Dumb Model and her 4 French Chairs, especially the chapter called Chocolate Strawberries. Now that’s a good story and an erotica. The last chapter is what I want. A girl can dream so I wrote it in a book. Maybe that’s manifesting? I love women and I am the aggressor when it comes to that. It’s rare but it has happened. I know the women who love me too and I get it. I have major masculine energy AND in my show, I’m dressing like Elvis and singing to the ladies. You’ll love it.

  12. Do you go on dates? Not anymore really. I find it to be a waste of time. Maybe if there is meat involved and some kind of adventure, I can layer up my other tasks like a road trip somewhere. Otherwise who has the time? We only have our time, what are you doing with yours?

  13. Do you like younger men? I only like younger men. I find them to be far more fun and interesting and older men tend to be immediately controlling and it’s annoying. I understand and fully support being submissive but I’m also a Queen Goddess. I don’t judge and am open to life’s adventures. There are great men who are young at heart and back it up in their bodies, minds, and spirits too. I’m open-minded and also picky as hell. I like what I like and I can’t explain it. It’s an energy thing.

  14. Do you have a type? A couple, yeah. Outlaws. Rebels. Countrymen. A face. A body. Hands. Big spirit and big love. FUN and funny. Goofy and crafty. Can build things. I prefer country over city and it’s a bonus when you can do both.

  15. Do you have skeletons in your closet? Bahahah I’ve never done anything I didn’t want to do except in my childhood and that one date rape when I was 15. I love being in service. I have serviced wounded men in service if you know what I mean. I’m a patriot. Ask me anything. I’ll tell you the truth.

  16. Do you want more than one or only one? Well, we can talk fantasy… but I am a one-man-only gal. That whole poly thing is not for me but I do admire it from afar. It wouldn’t work for me though unless I had five on a homestead maybe. LOL. Relax…

  17. What is your non-negotiable? Don’t be a dick. Oh, wait, I LOVE those. Hmm… Read number 5 again. Do not be on a list of pharma and no psycho meds is the number one requirement. Must be supportive of me dancing like I’m having an epileptic seizure. If you can handle that and maybe even join in or at least cheer me on then let’s dance.

  18. Liberal or Conservative? I like MEN so most likely not a liberal. If you laughed at that, you’re halfway there. My favorite men are country working men who know tools and how to build stuff. Drool all day long over that. A liberal arts degree does not impress me even remotely. Build a fire in under 10 minutes and have an impressive collection of toys you know how to use and a great mind and ideas you’re working on and woooweee heyyyy.

  19. What’s your most important thing? Kissing. When you stop kissing, you’re doomed. How you kiss me and where you kiss me says everything I need to know about how you feel about me. Yep. Respect, appreciation, and safety for both parties and above all FUN. Be kind and respectful and I’ll do the same tenfold. I’m easy and low maintenance. Understand that I came from hell and have love beyond heaven too. My core wound is that I fear that you hate me and want me to die - it’s a childhood abuse starved in foster care thing. I’ve got those wounds healed but when you know them, my playmate helps me with them instead of adding to them. When I’m not held in high regard and kissed, loved, and helped in my life then I’m off to play by myself. Ain’t nobody got time for repeating the bs past. It’s time to love bigger and have more fun with joy in every encounter. I’ve been through hell and raised myself up too. I’m still a work in progress. Let’s help each other have more fun and fulfill our purpose.

  20. What impresses you? You finding and following your bliss. You’re doing something cool in the world. You coming from nothing and building yourself a life. You are a great example to others. Animals and children are drawn to you. Witnessing you doing kind things in the world. Witnessing you living a joyful life and taking care of yourself and your existence here. I love watching you work.

  21. What do you like in a guy? Taller and stronger than me. I am 5’10” and really not into shorter men. I have chin hairs I gotta deal with. I love lanky strong. I am not into sideways sex with a fat guy, did that already. Handsome, sure, but I love light in a face I love to look at. Gotta have nice hands. I love working mechanic hands and the smell of grease, but still gotta have pretty hands. Lips, gotta have lips.

  22. What is your Burning Man name? Queen. Any more questions? Pretty much sums that up.

  23. Are you a dom? No. But I’m asked that all the time. You wish! I do not subscribe to that whole dom / sub thing. It’s being disconnected. That said bring me my Bull with a harness and I’ll submit. Never happened.

  24. What do you love to do?

    Starting dance floors is my favorite and live music is the best.
    Making children laugh.

    Motorcross anything. I love the bikes, the clothing, the trails. I drool and stutter and trip over myself watching motorcross. My pupils dilate looking at you. Bring me to a Nitro Circus show.

    Hammock Camping

    Motorcycle rides with a man I trust to be on the back of. I fell in love that way.
    Music and dance festivals.
    Cooking for people - I even have a comedy cooking show Stirring Up Trouble. Like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel

    Swimming in natural water.

    Discovering new roads
    Dancing like a loon. Oh wait, said that.

    Making cool shit.
    Directing movies. I’m good at it.
    Writing books.
    Working with and for my friend Jesus.
    Being on stage with hundreds of people in the audience. The biggest one was 1500 - so fun!

  25. What’s the matter with you? bahahahha well, according to one of my exes I always have dirty feet and I don’t read the New York Times. Still have dirty feet and still do not read that rag. Watch my documentary that leads me to confront my perp dad and see where I come from. Watch Tumbleweeds to see my life with my mom and read my book Finding Angela Shelton to see how I realized I was a self-hater and self-abuser and how I stopped that madness and help others do the same.

  26. What is your mission? Living a fun-filled life in service to the One. Inspiring people to live joyful lives no matter what they have been through I love me some Jesus and I also work with Jesus. Follow the One in Nashville to understand. I have a ministry, that is what I am doing. My movies are sermons. Even my OF is a ministry really. You’d have to be down with some God love. Men who love God turn me on.

  27. Wait, you have an OF? Yes. Mommy Teaches. Good Boys kept me alive during the plandemic. I used it as a way to write, share, and test my book and it was very helpful. I will keep it because of the private questions and I help guys get off of porn addiction and into living their true purpose. It’s a bit of a trick just like my movies are. My boxing movie is not really a boxing movie. My golf comedy makes you cry and my OF is really a ministry. If you’re all freaked out about that, read number 5 again.

  28. What’s your idea of a great date? Tickets to a camping dance festival where we hammock camp. Church hopping and then making out in the parking lot. Hiking to a cold plunge and then climbing a tree. A motorcycle ride. Life adventures.

  29. What turns you on? Countrymen who work. A man who is packing. Big D energy.

  30. I want to get to know you. Oh yeah? Get a ticket to my show. See my boxing movie. See my golf movie when I was 40 pounds heavier. Read my books. Watch me Live on TikTok when I’m not suspended for my big mouth.

  31. How do I get into your pants? Talk to my sister.

    She will approve or disapprove meeting me. I fired myself due to my naive choices and my schedule. I have a show and a book and a kid and a big dream and helping my kid follow her big dream. I have also learned a lot by watching and befriending outstanding men who have their lives on point. They do the same thing. The time is on lock down. I simply cannot use my time on snapchat getting d pics, you feel me?

And yes, I am serious. I don’t date anymore. I am retired because I’m gullible and naive as shit when it comes to the fellas. I did write the book DUMB Model! I got bamboozled by one of those n words (narcissist) who was a countryman and said lots of words to show he was into all that I was and he turned out to be a bold-faced liar with a live-in girlfriend. He groomed me for 3 years and was only trying to get me to write a script for him, which I probably would have done.

I also am a huge romantic and a big lover and to be with me means you’re also getting love notes in your lunch box with great meat and snacks because I love you so much! I exist therefore my best playmate also exists. You might be up a tree right now for all I know.

Sooo… I realize that because I have a huge heart, am a big lover, and lover of humans, am busy as hell on brilliant work while also being dumb as shit that I have to get my sister involved. She’s a tough one, my sister. She loathes men and loves me. She spots bullshit from 25 miles away and will not put up with anything so she is my dating filter. If you are into me and read all that and are like holy cow you are the woman of my dreams then you need to set up a call with my sister and pay her 50 bucks. Be grateful it’s my sister and not my Uncle Toby!

If you’re my playmate already or know me well then you can bypass my sister but you need to read and re-read number 19 and 20. Otherwise, I can tie my own hammock and love you to pieces and I’m writing a book and a show and making more cool stuff to help myself and others live joyfully no matter what we’ve been through.

Pay that, and I will set a time for you to talk in the evenings or on the weekends. Good luck! I have faith in you.
Careful, she can see your bs and she knows my type so I appreciate the effort. I remain open to being surprised.

Or bypass all this and find me in the world and be supremely awesome too so that I see you and we can dance. I mean, we are in a wild and wonderful world despite the chaos planners and I love you already. Let’s climb a tree!

Let’s have some fun!

Bring me to the stage or a dancefloor in your community! That’s 5K-12K, not 50.

Angela Shelton

Modeling a Ministry of Healing our FULL selves

“Everything I do is a Sermon” - Angela Shelton


I love you, squish! What that means and how to do it