Why Healing Your Trauma Means Healing Your Relationship with Money

Money is a topic that many of us prefer to avoid. It's uncomfortable, it can be stressful, and let's face it - we'd all rather have more of it! But did you know that your relationship with money is closely tied to your past experiences and traumas? That's right, the way you think about and handle money may be directly influenced by events in your life that have left emotional scars. In this blog post, we'll explore why healing your trauma means healing your relationship with money. Get ready for a deep dive into the powerful connection between psychology and finances.


  1. Cut to the end chase: We are working through our piles of past issues and learning to Work Clean in https://rockstarreformers.com every Wednesday. Join to level up from just surviving and into warrior life.

  2. Get Your Matriach Money Mindset on! I listened to this wonderful program daily in the mornings and it has been oustanding, motivating, and lit a fire in me. This is my affiliate link to the program here. I strongly suggest you spend that money and listen, watch, and rewatch.
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If you've ever experienced trauma, you know that it can have a lasting effect on your life. For many people, the effects of trauma can be felt in their day-to-day lives, in their relationships, and in their wallets.

That's because our relationship with money is often deeply intertwined with our sense of self-worth and safety. When we've been through something traumatic, it can be difficult to trust ourselves or others - and that can make it hard to manage money in a healthy way.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Healing your trauma can help you heal your relationship with money.

Here's why:

When we heal our trauma, we start to see ourselves in a new light. We realize that we are strong and capable of handling whatever comes our way. This newfound confidence can help us approach our finances with a sense of ease and control.

Trauma often leaves us feeling disconnected from others. But as we heal, we rebuild our connections to the people in our lives. This support network can give us the strength we need to make positive changes in our financial habits.

Healing our trauma also allows us to let go of the past. We can forgive ourselves for mistakes we've made and start fresh with a clean slate. This attitude shift can be instrumental in making sound financial decisions going forward.

Linking Trauma and Money

There are many people who have trauma in their past that they may not even be aware of. This can manifest in different ways in their lives, including how they handle money. If you find that you're constantly struggling with money or making poor financial decisions, it could be because you're carrying around unresolved trauma.

When we experience trauma, it can cause us to feel disconnected from our bodies and our emotions. This can make it difficult to make decisions based on what we truly need, rather than what we think we should do or what will avoid further pain. We may end up chasing after things that we think will make us happy or safe, but that only leads to more suffering.

In order to heal your relationship with money, you first need to heal the trauma that's underlying it. This means getting in touch with the emotions and memories that you've been avoiding. It may be painful at first, but it's essential for making peace with your past and creating a better future for yourself.

Impact of Trauma on Financial Decisions

If you've experienced trauma, you may find that your relationship with money is affected. Trauma can lead to financial insecurity, and make it difficult to make sound decisions about money. You may find yourself spending impulsively, or hoarding money out of fear of not having enough.

Financial insecurity can be a major source of stress and can prevent you from reaching your financial goals. If you're struggling to manage your finances, it's important to seek help from a professional who can help you develop a plan to get your finances back on track.

There are also steps you can take to heal your relationship with money. Spend time reflecting on how your trauma has affected your relationship with money. Are there any patterns or behaviors that you want to change? Identify your biggest financial fears, and work on facing them head-on. By healing your trauma and changing your relationship with money, you'll be better equipped to make sound financial decisions and reach your financial goals.

Relearning to Love Money

If you grew up in a home where money was scarce, you may have developed a negative relationship with money. This can manifest as a lifelong aversion to money or finances, and can severely impact your ability to manage your own finances as an adult.

Healing your trauma means addressing your relationship with money head-on. This doesn’t necessarily mean becoming a financial expert – but it does mean developing a healthy, positive relationship with money. Here are some tips for relearning to love money:

1. Talk about money openly and honestly.

If you grew up in a home where discussions about money were taboo, it can be difficult to break the silence around the subject. But learning to talk about money openly and honestly is an important step in developing a healthy relationship with it.

2. Don’t view money as evil or dangerous.

Try to divorce yourself from any negative emotions you have towards money. It’s simply an instrument that can be used for good or bad – but it should not be feared or avoided.

3. Educate yourself on personal finance.

If you feel like you don’t know enough about personal finance, make an effort to educate yourself. There are plenty of resources out there – from books and articles to podcasts and online courses – that can help you develop a better understanding of financial concepts and how to manage your own finances . . .

Creating Positive Money Mindsets

Money is something that can be difficult to talk about because it can be such a touchy subject for so many people. So many of us have complicated relationships with money, and it can be hard to talk about those feelings openly.

But if we want to heal our relationship with money, it's important to start by creating positive money mindsets. That means changing the way we think about money and its role in our lives. It might not be easy, but it's worth it.

Here are a few tips for creating positive money mindsets:

1. Acknowledge your current relationship with money.

What are your thoughts and feelings about money? Do you tend to worry about it or feel guilty about spending it? Spend some time reflecting on your current relationship with money. Once you're aware of how you currently feel, you can start working on changing those negative thoughts and emotions.

2. Set goals for yourself and your family.

What do you want to achieve financially? Do you want to save up for a home, college tuition, or retirement? When you have specific goals in mind, it becomes easier to make positive choices about spending and saving. Thinking long-term will help put your daily financial decisions into perspective.

3."Live below your means."

You don't have to keep up with the Joneses - in fact, it's often better not to! Just because someone else can afford something doesn't mean

FUN Financial Habits!

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to financial healing, but there are some key strategies that can help. If you're looking to heal your relationship with money, here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Track your spending. This is an important first step in understanding your relationship with money. By tracking your spending, you can see where your money goes and where you may be able to cut back.

2. Create a budget. Once you have a good understanding of your spending patterns, you can create a budget that aligns with your values and goals. A budget can help you make mindful choices about how to use your money.

3. Invest in yourself. One of the best things you can do for your financial well-being is to invest in yourself. This could mean taking courses or investing in therapy or coaching to help you overcome any blocks around money.

4. Develop healthy financial habits. Just like any other area of life, developing healthy financial habits is key to healing your relationship with money. This could include setting up a regular savings plan, paying bills on time, and sticking to a budget.

5 . Seek professional help. If you're struggling to make progress on your own, seek professional help from a financial therapist or coach. They can help you dive deeper into the issues and develop a personalized plan for financial healing


Healing your trauma means healing your relationship with money and having the right mindset when it comes to financial security. The journey of this is one that will take time, patience, determination, courage, and a lot of self-compassion. Take some time to sit down and reflect on where you are in the process of rebuilding a healthy relationship with money - both mentally and financially. By recognizing what steps still need to be taken for further growth in your personal finance journey, continually educate yourself on topics such as budgeting responsibly or investing cautiously so that you can continue taking positive strides towards greater financial freedom eventually leading to: secure current standards living―daily & long-term!

Join my community network of warriors and Work Clean together: https://rockstarreformers.com

Get Your Matriach Money Mindset on! I listened to this wonderful program daily in the mornings and it has been oustanding, motivating, and lit a fire in me. This is my affiliate link to the program here. I strongly suggest you spend that money and listen, watch, and rewatch.

https://www.matriarch.love/a/2147552150/rjWjW7h7 <- best $55 to spend right there!

Angela Shelton

Modeling a Ministry of Healing our FULL selves


I love you, squish! What that means and how to do it


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