Booking Angela Shelton as an International Inspirational Speaker and Trauma Expert Healing with Humor

Are you looking for a speaker who can inspire your audience to overcome their trauma with humor? Look no further than Angela Shelton, the funny lady who tackles heavy subjects and changes lives with laughter. As an international inspirational speaker and trauma expert, Angela has dedicated her life to helping survivors of abuse find healing through humor. In her Emmy-award-winning role as Safe Side Superchick, a superhero for kids, Angela is able to help kids as well as adults.

Let's take a closer look at Angela Shelton's story and how she can help your audience heal from trauma in a fun and uplifting way!

A superhero for kids and survivors of abuse this superhero changes lives with laughs

Safe Side Superchick is a superhero created by Julie Clark (Baby Einstein) to help kids and survivors of abuse. As someone who survived sexual abuse as a child, Angela Shelton knows firsthand how important it is for kids to have a superhero they can relate to and look up to. Safe Side Superchick uses humor and laughter to teach kids about personal safety, empowerment, and boundaries in a way that's both fun and effective.

For survivors of abuse, Angela Shelton represents hope and healing. She shows them that they're not alone in their struggles, but rather part of a community of survivors who support each other on the journey towards healing. Angela herself has used humor as an essential tool in her own recovery from trauma, which is why she's so passionate about incorporating it into her work as an inspirational speaker.

By booking Angela Shelton as your next speaker, you'll be giving your audience the chance to connect with this extraordinary superhero firsthand – whether they're young children or adults looking for inspiration on their path towards healing.

Who is Angela Shelton?

Angela Shelton is a woman of many talents. She's an actress, writer, comedian, and public speaker. But what sets her apart is her ability to inspire others by sharing her own story of survival and healing.

Growing up in a household plagued by abuse and violence, Angela found herself on the receiving end of some horrific experiences. But rather than succumbing to despair or giving up altogether, she channeled that pain into something positive.

She toured the USA meeting other women who shared her name and her stories as a way to connect, empower, and enrich each others lives in her multi-award-winning documentary Searching for Angela Shelton. The creation of that powerful film and the revealing book Finding Angela Shelton that followed led Angela down a path toward public speaking and activism.

As an actress Angela became "Safe Side Superchick," a superhero character designed to teach children about personal safety and empowerment. The character quickly gained popularity among kids and adults alike and garnered Angela an Emmy award as a children’s show host.

Today she travels the world as an inspirational speaker on trauma recovery, mental health awareness, self-love, body positivity - all while incorporating humor into heavy subjects. Her message resonates with audiences around the globe who are seeking hope amidst adversity.

What is Angela Shelton's story?

Angela Shelton's story is one of resilience and determination. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence, Angela channeled her pain into creative outlets such as writing and acting. Her humor became a coping mechanism that she now shares with others through her work as an international inspirational speaker.

In addition to her personal experiences, Angela also brings professional expertise to the table. She spent over 20 years researching trauma healing, interviewing survivors and trauma-informed-care workers from the perspective of an outsider not funded or silenced by any government or non-profit agency. She learned of the seedy systematic underbelly workings of the Family Court system as well as easy and ways to heal from the worst of traumas. By combining both her expertise and her talent, she is able to speak on horrific subjects while providing fun and funny escape routes out of repeated pain.

Angela teaches important lessons while bringing joy and laughter to those who need it most. It's no wonder she's been dubbed a "funny lady" by fans and colleagues alike.

As a gift and a safety net for her local community, Angela got her CDL bus license to be an alternate bus driver for the elementary school, dressed up as Safe Side Superchick!

Despite the heavy subjects she tackles in her work, Angela remains committed to spreading positivity wherever she goes. Her message is clear: healing from trauma is possible – even enjoyable – when you approach it with humor and grace.

What are some of the topics Angela Shelton speaks on?

Angela Shelton is a versatile public speaker who speaks on various topics related to trauma and healing. Her talks are always engaging, inspirational and entertaining. One of the most popular topics she speaks on is how to heal from trauma with humor.

Angela believes that laughter is an essential tool for anyone trying to overcome trauma. She shares her personal story of overcoming abuse through humor and empowers others to do the same.

Another topic Angela addresses in her talks is bullying prevention. As a survivor of childhood bullying, she understands the importance of standing up against bullies and creating safe spaces for kids.

Angela also speaks on self-esteem, body image issues, and mental health awareness. Her message promotes self-love, acceptance, and positivity as key ingredients for building healthy relationships with oneself and others.

Angela Shelton's talks cover important topics that can benefit people of all ages. Her unique perspective offers hope and inspiration for those struggling with trauma or looking for ways to improve their mental health.

Why is humor important in healing from trauma?

Healing from trauma is a long and arduous journey, and it can be difficult to find moments of levity along the way. This is where humor comes in – it serves as a coping mechanism that helps survivors navigate their pain and find joy amidst the darkness.

Humor releases endorphins in our brains, which are natural mood-boosters that promote feelings of pleasure and happiness. When we laugh, we momentarily forget about our problems and feel more relaxed. This can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety or depression that often accompany trauma.

In addition to its physiological benefits, humor also provides a sense of connection with others. Laughing together creates bonds between people, which can be especially important for those who have experienced isolation or loneliness due to their trauma.

Perhaps most importantly, humor allows survivors to reclaim their power by finding lightness in situations that may have once felt overwhelming or frightening. By laughing at something – even if it's just for a moment – they are taking control over their narrative and refusing to let their experiences define them.

Incorporating humor into the healing process can bring significant benefits for survivors of trauma. It may not erase the pain they've endured but it has been proven time and again to make dealing with heavy subjects lighter yet still impactful as ever!

How can Angela Shelton help your audience?

Angela Shelton is a dynamic and powerful speaker who can help your audience in numerous ways. Whether you are looking to inspire, educate or entertain your crowd, Angela has got you covered.

As an international inspirational speaker and trauma expert on healing from trauma with humor, Angela brings her unique perspective to heavy subjects that most people shy away from. She uses her personal experiences as fuel for her talks and empowers others to take control of their lives through laughter.

One of the benefits of booking Angela Shelton is that she has a way of connecting with audiences on a deep level. Her authenticity shines through in all that she does, making it easy for people to relate to her message and apply it to their own lives.

Whether you are dealing with issues related to abuse, addiction or mental health struggles, Angela's talks offer practical advice and guidance for moving forward in a positive direction. By using humor as a tool for healing, she helps audiences tap into their inner strength and resilience.

If you want your event or conference attendees to walk away feeling inspired and empowered, consider booking Angela Shelton today!

Booking information for Angela Shelton:

If you're looking to bring a fresh perspective on healing from trauma with humor, then booking Angela Shelton as your next keynote speaker is an excellent choice. Her unique blend of comedy and storytelling will captivate your audience, leaving them feeling inspired and empowered.

Angela's extensive background in the field of trauma recovery makes her an ideal candidate for events focused on healing and resilience. Whether it's a conference, retreat or workshop, she can tailor her message to suit any audience size.

To book Angela Shelton for your next event, visit

In summary, if you want someone who can take heavy subjects like abuse and transform them into something funny yet informative that everyone could relate to; Angela Shelton is the perfect fit!

Angela Shelton

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